Actualization of Global Leadership Model in Sirah Nabawiyyah Learning

  • Habib Al Fattah Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Sariyatun Universitas Sebelas Maret
Keywords: Globalization, Leadership, Sirah Nabawiyyah, VUCA World


The rapid exchange of information, commodities, even people in this global era has created an interconnection and interdependence between nation states and local elements around the world. Apart from promising opportunities for development, this complex and rapid global network raises new challenges in the form of a climate of uncertainty which is termed the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) climate. Pesantren, as one of the oldest classical learning units in Indonesia will inevitably face this too. One of the most important preparations is by building leadership character to withstand the challenges caused by VUCA climate. Using literary research method, this article tried to re-actualize the leadership model needed for VUCA climate reflected in Sirah Nabawiyyah. Discussing the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad, Sirah Nabawiyyah also plays an important role for the character education tools in Islamic education. This article found that the leadership model of the Prophet Muhammad is compatible with the leadership model needed in the VUCA climate, that is transformative leadership and resonant leadership models
