Mathematic Learning Based on Double Loop Learning to Improve Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skill Student

  • Sutama Sutama Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Keywords: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Mathematic Learning, double-loop learning


The purpose of this study is to describe Lesson Plan (RPP) that integrates one character of 21st century skills, critical thinking skills and problem solving, using mathematics learning based on double loop learning. This study uses a research and development approach. Research and development, which is a process to develop existing and accountable products. Data collection techniques, observation, interviews, and documentation are the methods used in this study. The subject of the study consisted of mathematics teachers, school principals, and eighth grade junior high school (SMP) students in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java. The results of the study show that the development of RPP that integrates critical thinking skills and problem solving can be done by 1) including the skill into the development of RPP in accordance with Basic Competencies (KD) 2) developing indicators to achieve KD 3) formulating learning objectives clearly so that students can improve skill 4) developing learning materials related to skills 5) developing learning activities according to the skill that will be carried out 6) developing assessment tools as a measure of quality skill. Including literacy planning into the learning process can also improving critical thinking skill and problem solving to students.
