Early Childhood Dance Composition: Construction With Its Sense Of Imagery Environmental Themes

  • Arni Apriani Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
  • Setiaji Denden Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
Keywords: Composition, early childhood, interior decoration, its sense of themes


The composition of the dance is the formation of the elements contained in the motion i.e. space, time and effort with aligned, with the unification of the relationship of mutually binding and relates as well as synch was able to form and produce work that can be identified properly. This paper applies the theory of composition using the stimulation of environmental imagery as theme ideas or ideas in dance works, with Setup applied imagination kids into work on concept, explored by the elements composition that became a single entity becomes a dance full of meaning and fun for kids. This is a science that is important and valuable experience for children in social development, education, pisikologi, independence, and motoriknya sensors in its infancy is mostly about creativity..
