Measuring e-learning readiness of middle school with a class of athletes in central java

  • Muhammad Luthfi Hidayat Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Sukirman Sukirman Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Lina Agustina Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Keywords: Solo Raya, Sport Class, e-learning school, e-learning readiness


This study aims to determine the level of readiness (e-readiness) of schools in Solo Raya region, Central Java that has a Sports talent class program. Sports talent classes are classes that gather and foster students with, sports talents such as soccer, martial arts, athletics or other sports. The background of this research problem is because the learning load for the students is still on par with regular class students at school, so their burdens increase. Therefore we need a learning strategy so that students in this sports class can be active in the achievement competition by still following flexible and structured learning through e-learning. Information is required in the form of e-readiness before implementing E-learning in schools. E-readiness includes four factors of readiness of the application of technology, namely readiness in terms of technology, innovation, human development, and self-development in implementing e-learning in schools. Data is collected by using questionnaires, interviews, field observations and documentation. This study uses the ELR Aydin & Tasci model to measure the readiness of implementing blended learning in schools. The final result is the conclusion that the e-readiness score in the 2 middle schools that were observed in Solo Raya, Central Java is 3,46 and 3,27. This means that these schools need improvement to be ready, especially in terms of human development, innovation, and self-development.
