Development of The Synthesis Problem Test Instrument with The Newton II Legal Material Conceptual
Learning evaluation cannot be separated from the use of evaluation instruments. This instrument has an important role in knowing the extent of students 'ability to understand the material. In learning Physics, students have difficulty in working on questions and answering questions of synthesis. So from that, an evaluation tool is needed to measure students' understanding ability in answering synthesis questions. In this study a test instrument for synthesis questions will be developed using help in the form of Conceptual Scaffolding (CS) in answering the synthesis question. This research is an R & D study with a procedural model that adapted from the development of 4-D model devices, namely Define, Design , Develop, and Disseminate. Data analysis techniques used in this test instrument by looking at several aspects, namely the validity of the experts, the validity of each item, the reliability of the items, the distinguishing power and the level of difficulty of each item in question. The development of this test instrument obtained a feasibility value from the material expert validator of 82.3%, 86% expert evaluation, and physics teacher 82.8%. So that the development of this test instrument is included in the category of "very feasible". While students who can answer questions with categories can understand the concept as much as 70.85%. So that giving Conceptual Scaffolding questions in answering these synthesis questions can be applied to measure students' understanding of concepts.