The Impact of Father's Love on Social-Emotional Development 4-5 Years Old Children

  • Heni Indah Listyowati Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
  • Nur Fauziyah Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
Keywords: Early childhood, father's role, social-emotional


Abstract. Early childhood is a time when children really need attention and love from father and mother. The love that is  received and felt will influence the child's development, especially in social-emotional development. The following  research aims to determine the role of a father's affection in social-emotional development. This study used descriptive  qualitative methods with data analysis techniques in the form of interactive Miles and Huberman triangulation models. The  techniques used in this research are observation, interviews, and documentation. The following research was carried out in  group A2 TK Aisyiyah Al-Huda PK Kismoyoso Ngemplak Boyolali, with the number of subjects A2 Kindergarten children  and their parents. Based on the results of the research conducted, it appears that a child with a father's role who is involved  in parenting and who feels the love of a father, the child will be better able to socialize with the surrounding environment. Meanwhile, children who rarely get and do not get their father's love and interact less with their father, children will tend to have more difficulty controlling their emotions. The social-emotional development of children in TK Aisyiyah Al-Huda PK Kismoyoso is on average quite good in social interaction, but when viewed as a whole, what fathers teach their children greatly influences their social-emotional development.
