Strengthening the Character of Multicultural Diversity Through the Pancasila Student Project

  • Harun Joko Prayitno Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
  • Rossa Puspa Maharani Putri Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
Keywords: Character of Multicultural Diversity, Pancasila Student Project


Abstract. The primary objective of the Pancasila student project is to cultivate a cohort of individuals who possess the necessary attributes and competencies to embody and uphold the principles enshrined in Pancasila. Indonesian students are anticipated to possess the ability to safeguard their esteemed culture, locality, and identity, particularly within the context of global diversity. Additionally, they are encouraged to engage in open-minded interactions with diverse cultures, thereby promoting tolerance and facilitating opportunities for constructive acculturation that aligns harmoniously with the nation's original cultural framework. This research uses descriptive analytical methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Validation of the data used is triangulation of sources and techniques. Data analysis uses ethnographic techniques with six stages: selecting an ethnographic project, asking questions, collecting data, recording data, analyzing data, and writing a report.The purpose of this research is to describe how SDN Sondakan 11 Surakarta as one of the driving schools, implements and realizes the profile of Pancasila students with various strategies, methods and activity patterns used by teachers. The Pancasila Student Project carried out by the driving school aims to strengthen the character of education through a pleasant experience. The Indonesian nation has a strong foundation of all time, namely Pancasila. The project is carried out by students accompanied by teachers and in collaboration with student guardians. The project is carried out using the Project Based Learning (PBL) learning model. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika contains a profile of Global Diversity which is expected to invite children to respect various beliefs and morals in the archipelago
