Pola Asuh Orang Tua Milenial Dalam Mengatasi Temper Tantrum Pada Anak Usia Dini

  • Anisa Wahyu Liani Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
  • Nur Fauziyah Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
Keywords: parenting patterns, millennial parents, temper tantrums, early childhood


Abstract Rapid technological developments and social changes in the last decade have brought about significant shifts in parenting patterns. The millennial generation, which is currently entering the phase of becoming parents, has unique experiences and views on how to educate their children, one of which is dealing with temper tantrums in early childhood. This research aims to determine the parenting styles of millennial parents in dealing with temper tantrums in early childhood. This research methodology uses descriptive qualitative to discover and understand the meaning of various people and groups using data collection techniques, namely semi-structured interviews, observation and documentation. Based on research results, authoritative parenting helps children overcome temper tantrums in a healthier way and builds positive relationships between parents and children. Through this parenting style, children are taught to recognize and manage their emotions, have clear behavioral guidelines, and feel supported emotionally. Based on two previous studies, namely research by Asrina M. Saman and Luthfiyah Kurniawati, there is a gap, namely parental education and understanding resulting in a lack of awareness in providing good parenting in dealing with children's emotional problems
