Improving Digital Literacy with the Multiple Intelligences Approach in SD Negeri Trobayan

  • Niken Ayu Safitri Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
  • Harun Joko Prayitno Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
Keywords: Digital Literacy, Multiple Intelligences, Students


Abstract. Ability very digitally literate needed For support exists development technology developing information rapidly in the 21st century. Research This aim For know enhancement ability digital literacy in learning with use mozilla software firefox, youtube, and whatsapp on students class IV SD Negeri Trobayan. Study This is study qualitative use approach multiple intelligences. Study This involve head schools, teachers, and students class IV SD Negeri Trobayan, totaling 15 people. Through approach multiple intelligences can know types intelligence students who don't can be measured with IQ. Study This using data in the form of condition start and conditions end exists learning based digital literacy in SD Negeri Trobayan. Based on the data obtained student class IV SD Negeri Trobayan experience significant improvement about ability literacy student use youtube software compared mozilla firefox and whatsapp. Based on study that, learning based very digitally literate effective used in learning
