Formation of Student Character Through the Application of Local Culture in Schools

  • Hotma Siregar Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
  • Ryan Taufika Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Student Character, Local Culture


Abstract This study aims to determine the implementation of local culture in SMP N 1 Raya Kahean Kab. Simalungun through the subjects of Simalungun Language and the formation of student character, especially the character of love for the homeland and responsibility. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, data collection techniques used include: observation and interviews. The analysis method used has three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results showed that: The implementation of Simalungun language and script learning class IX SMP N 1 Raya Kahean which consists of three elements, namely 1. Pakon mambotoh mambasa 2.Masam-masam ni hiou tonunan naadongi Simalungun pakon hun other areas 3.Hasomalan marburu pakon sikkula pararalan nai gunahon is good enough, because it is considered capable of maintaining the cultural values of Batak Simalungun. In every learning activity, it can be seen that teachers always try to instill positive cultural values in each student. Through the subject of Simalungun Language and Script can also shape the character of students, it can be seen from the material delivered by the teacher through the Simalungun Language and Script subject book.
