A Study on Parents’ Belief: Can YouTube Kids English Channels Make My Children Speak English?

  • Armeria Wijaya Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
  • Sofi Yunianti Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
  • Regita Rahma Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Keywords: Speak English


Abstract. The increase of technology has prompted parents to search for substitute techniques in instructing their offspring the English language. The research aims to explore if English channels on Youtube Kids can improve proficiency in the English language within the child population. In particular, it examines the caregivers' views and their offspring's speech development. The study uses a qualitative research approach and relies on questionnaires to get information from parents who have little formal education. The results of this study shed important light on the potential effects of YouTube Kids English channels on kids' language learning as well as the influence of parental attitudes on children's language learning behaviors. It indicates that although Youtube Kids channels in English can familiarize children with English, it demands more than simply counting on them to fully attain language fluency. Hence, parents need to make use of YouTube Kids channels in English as a complementary tool. It is important for them to encourage active participation their kids in conversing in English. Keywords: language learning; foreign language acquisition; YouTube
