Implementation of Limited Face-to-face Learning (PTMT) to Improve Students' Interpersonal Intelligence at MIN 1 Ogan Ilir

  • Fitriyani Maghfiroh UIN Raden Fatah
  • Zainal Berlian UIN Raden Fatah
  • M. Fauzi UIN Raden Fatah
  • Muhammad Isnaini UIN Raden Fatah
  • M. Win Afgani UIN Raden Fatah
  • Saipul Annur UIN Raden Fatah
Keywords: Limited Face-to-face Learning, Interpersonal Intelligence


The demands of the current global era are not only on students' academic values but also their non-academic, the ability to understand others, work together, solve problems, effectively, self-awareness, adapt to the social environment and communicate effectively. So that students can build relationships, create relationships that are mutually beneficial for both parties. This intelligence can be developed through learning activities in the classroom. This study aims to describe the implementation of limited face-to-face learning, to find out how to improve students' interpersonal intelligence, and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors in improving students' interpersonal intelligence at MIN 1 Ogan Ilir. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach, namely the research method in natural object conditions (natural setting) where the researcher is the key instrument. The data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses data reduction (data reduction), data presentation (data display), and verification (conclusion). The results of this study indicate that the implementation of limited face-to-face learning at MIN 1 Ogan Ilir has gone well and complies with the health protocols that have been set by the government by increasing the interpersonal intelligence of students at MIN 1 Ogan Ilir for the academic year 2021/2022 covering four stages, namely Context, The real atmosphere of the learning environment at MIN 1 Ogan Ilir is very good and beautiful so that it is good for students to develop interpersonal programs. Input, the pattern of new student admissions at MIN 1 Ogan Ilir uses a quota system without conducting a formal test. The process begins with carrying out learning preparations, as well as implementing learning carried out with apperception and motivational activities. The product is known from the academic and non-academic aspects, the academic aspect is seen from the good grades of the students and non-academic is seen from the students who often participate in the competition activities. For the supporting and inhibiting factors, the supporting factors are the activeness of the students themselves and the teacher who conveys the material in an interesting way, while the inhibiting factors are students who are shy or introverted so it is difficult to develop their interpersonal skills. Researchers recommend increasing interpersonal intelligence in schools because it is beneficial for students in socializing.
